Five Commonwealth Campus leaders to retire from Penn State

来源:Dave McLaughlin

宾州大学公园. 五名欧博体育官网联邦校区的领导将在未来几周和几个月内从大学退休, 欧博体育官网联邦校区副校长兼执行校长Margo DelliCarpini宣布.

In an email message to the Commonwealth Campus community on June 11, DelliCarpini said that 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校’s 弗朗西斯·科菲·阿昌蓬, 谢南戈的乔·安妮·卡里克, 约克的大卫·克里斯蒂安森报道, and Scranton’s 马文的瓦 will be retiring at the end of June, and New Kensington’s 凯文·斯奈德 will be retiring at the end of December.

“All have led their respective campuses successfully and impactfully, 注重以学生为中心, 学术项目发展, 社区参与, 外展, financial stewardship and philanthropy,DelliCarpini写道. “They leave behind a legacy of collaboration, 创新和卓越的领导力将为他们的继任者奠定坚实的基础.”


Achampong has served Penn State since 2002 in various roles, returning to 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 in 2013 as chancellor. Notable accomplishments include launching a mentoring program for tenure-track faculty; supporting all tenure-line faculty through the tenure and promotion process; enriching the diversity on campus; collaborating with the campus faculty senate to develop guidelines for hiring and reviewing part-time faculty that served as an institutional model; creating various programs in support of academic success, inclusion and enrollment management; partnering with the director of campus development to help raise more than $4 million for its For the Future Campaign, reaching 118% over the campaign goal; providing leadership to designate allied health (the health sciences) as 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校’s niche, 提供为期两年的职业治疗助理和物理治疗师助理课程, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, and plans to add a bachelor’s degree in biobehavioral health. He spearheaded construction of a $13 million state-of-the-art allied health building, 于2022年开业, 增加校园卫生保健学位组合,现在包括卫生政策和管理理学学士学位和职业科学理学学士学位, with a master of science in occupational therapy slated to begin in fall 2026. Achampong has served on and led many University-wide committees, in addition to various boards and volunteer work within the community.


Carrick was named campus director at Penn State Shenango in 2014, following stints as a nursing program coordinator and RN, B.S.N. (注册护士, bachelor of science in nursing) faculty member at both the Beaver and Behrend campuses. 在她担任校园主任期间, 在卡里克的监督下,谢南戈大学启动了一个体育项目,后来发展到包括六项运动,并直接导致校园人口从70%的成人学习者转变为目前75%的传统年龄学生. 在卡里克的领导下, 该大学与沙伦市以及宾夕法尼亚州西部和俄亥俄州东部的社区基金会合作,投资400万美元创建谢南戈发射箱, powered by the Greater Sharon Community, 以及支持当地企业和企业家的沙龙社区发展基金. 另外, 在卡里克任职期间,该校耗资800万美元对其福克实验室大楼进行了翻新, which also is the home of the newly opened Information Technology Cybersecurity Center. 卡里克也一直与当地社区交往,在各种董事会和商会任职. 她于2021年创建了卡拉和贾斯汀·亨德森纪念奖学金,以纪念她的侄女和侄子, 哪些项目是授予深南大学人类发展与家庭研究或护理专业的学生.


Christiansen began serving as the chancellor of Penn State 纽约 in 2018. 他于2004年加入欧博体育官网,担任古典文学教授和欧博体育官网贝伦德学院负责学术事务的高级副院长. In 2013, 他被任命为欧博体育官网联邦校区的副校长兼高级副院长. Over the course of his career at Penn State, 克里斯蒂安森监督了整个大学90多个学术项目的创建. He co-chaired Penn State’s Enhanced Education Pathways committee, 它创建了几个项目来提高第一代和低收入家庭学生的毕业率, including the Pathway to Success: Summer Start (PaSSS) program and Complete Penn State. In addition to his active engagement in the local business community, he worked with University Development to create the Open Doors Program, 它筹集了超过6.5亿美元的捐赠奖学金和礼物来支持本科生.


Snider has served as chancellor of Penn State New Kensington since 2008. 在他的领导下, the New Kensington campus has been the driver of major initiatives in K-12 education, economic development and entrepreneurship, while creating learning opportunities for students, 比如威斯特摩兰经济发展促进公司(WEDIG)的成立, a consortium of five local municipalities, 和ABC CREATE, 这是一个由14个学区合作的项目,旨在为学生准备STEAM教育课程和项目设计. 斯奈德在发展新数字经济中的社区振兴计划方面发挥了重要作用, 比如Nextovation, 与30多家企业合作, 政府, 教育, 基金会和社区合作伙伴. 在斯奈德的领导下, 欧博体育官网新肯辛顿分校在2017年完成了该校首批“发明欧博体育官网创新中心”之一. Snider also oversaw the creation of The Digital Foundry at New Kensington, a 15,044-square-foot manufacturing and technology hub, 于2022年开业, to bolster southwestern 宾西法尼亚’s manufacturing, 劳动力, education and community strength in future-ready skillsets and industry. 这些项目通过联邦政府为社区和大学带来了数百万美元的资金, 州和地方拨款, as well as expanded industry partnerships, unique opportunities for Penn State New Kensington students, and ongoing commitment to the University's land-grant mission. 斯奈德将继续留在他的位置上,继续领导校园和新肯辛顿数字铸造厂的过渡. 31日退休.


Wafa has served as chancellor of Penn State Scranton since 2015. 在瓦法的领导下, the campus' academic offerings were expanded to 14 bachelor degrees, 在生物学中添加程序, corporate communication and mechanical engineering. 对于机械工程, 他监督了前格兰杰工业供应基地的收购,并将其转换为校园的新工程大楼, which now also houses the Center for Business Development and Community Outreach, 还有警察部门. He implemented multiple capital improvement projects on campus, 包括对道森大楼的重大翻新,为行政职能创造了现代化的办公区, IT实验室, 艺术工作室, a new music space and academic program spaces for HDFS, 心理学和生物学/科学. Other facility enhancements created high-impact student spaces for learning, 学习和课外活动. Wafa支持最近完成的耗资数百万美元的图书馆和护理套房装修, 扩建了护理实验室和设施,并为图书馆增加了协作空间. 瓦法曾在当地董事会任职, 通过各种合作,将校园定位为社区和经济发展的领导者. 

在此之前, Fayette campus Chancellor Charles Patrick also announced his retirement from Penn State effective June 28, and Schuylkill campus Chancellor Patrick Jones announced he will be leaving the University effective June 30 to assume the presidency of Bucks County Community College.

虽然这些领导人的成就很难用几句简短的叙述来概括, their impact will be felt for years to come, and I am incredibly grateful for their service and their commitment to our students, 学术上的卓越, and to the communities they have served,DelliCarpini写道. “在我们应对当前的预算挑战并开始为英联邦校园制定未来愿景的过程中,他们真的是很好的合作伙伴.”

As announced by the University on June 11, 欧博体育官网将在这些退休人员之后精简联邦校区的领导结构, 从7月1日开始,一些校园将成为新的区域领导模式的一部分. Additional details about the new campus leadership structure are available here.

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